Browsing Deacon Wilson's Wisdom

The Challenge of Evil

Posted by Penny Haney on 2/27/20

As the season of Lent begins, we recognize that there is evil in our world and in our lives. Our Gospel reveals Jesus, hungry and thirsty after days of fasting, overcoming evil at a most vulnerable moment in his earthly life.  He, who was born into our world and ... Read More »

Called to Holiness

Posted by Penny Haney on 2/20/20

The call to holiness echoes through the sacred texts heard to this weekend. In Leviticus we hear God’s call: “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy.” And in the Gospel a similar call is heard: “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Within the ... Read More »

Light the World

Posted by Penny Haney on 2/11/20

    “Let there be light.”  The first words God ever speaks. Let there be light still reflects the bright warmth of our holiday season.  We brighten our churches, our homes, our yards, and our work places as we remind ourselves of the coming of Jesus, “our light.” Our ... Read More »

Follow Me

Posted by Penny Haney on 1/29/20

    Life is full of decisions. We face the “What should I do?” question so often, as we continually confront a chorus of choices.  At times our choice seems clear, reasonable and logical, while at other times no choice seems obvious. As we travel through life, we hope to ... Read More »

Epiphany Moments

Posted by Penny Haney on 12/26/19

   Based on ancient tradition, the wise men, whose coming we celebrate today [January 5, 2020], were of three different generations. Casper was thought to be a very young man, Balthazar was middle aged, and Melcher was a senior citizen. There is no actual historical evidence to verify their ... Read More »

The Gift of Family

Posted by Penny Haney on 12/20/19

Another Christmas has come and gone. The gifts have been opened, the meals eaten, the visitors vanished, and quiet has descended upon us as we remember that Jesus is here with us now and forever. He is involved with us, and remembering his presence in our lives allows us ... Read More »

Advent Conversion

Posted by Penny Haney on 12/18/19

   Another Advent has begun. We will follow the same routine, sing the same Advent hymns and listen to the same Advent Scriptures.  We will decorate our homes and assemble our stable scenes.  We will be sure that all our decorations are in their usual places, and arrange our ... Read More »

Kingdom Come!

Posted by Penny Haney on 12/18/19

Our Gospel today pays John an extremely impressive compliment. Jesus says of him: “Among those born of women, there is none greater than John the Baptist.” That is a remarkable claim. John was greater than Alexander who conquered the world, greater than Abraham the father of Israel, even greater ... Read More »

Holy Hospitality

Posted by Janice Schmidbauer on 8/22/19

   Some people are just hospitable by nature.  They have the knack of making you feel welcome. My grandmother was such a person who warmly welcomed everyone to her home.  She always set an extra place at the dinner table, and everyone knew why.  In her Irish simplicity, she ... Read More »


Posted by Pauletta Lyons on 7/19/19

   We live in a world where being Responsible for others is always a challenge, because we are often tempted to say: “It is not my child, not my community, not my problem.” While many continue to ignore responsibility, others see the need and respond.  Fred Rogers, the director ... Read More »