

Building and Grounds Committee

The Building and Grounds Committee regularly inspects the physical needs of the parish complex, seeks bids for scheduled maintenance, and works in collaboration with the Finance Committee and Council to determine funding for each.This committee, along with the Pastor and Council, plans for long-range improvements. Contact Don Kueny 262-945-1733.


Festival Committee

The Festival Committee coordinates, supports, and brings to life the Parish Summer Family Festival. The Festival is a social and fundraising event, which takes place annually in mid-summer. The success of this event relies on the generous time of many parishioners. You can actively sell your raffle tickets, volunteer in a booth for an hour or two, or serve on the committee; all which help make this event a success. Leave a message for the committee at 262-694-6018.


Finance Council

The Finance Council members work in collaboration with the Pastor and Director of Administrative Services on all aspects of the financial strength of our parish community. They help develop and advise the Pastor on matters pertaining to the operating budget. To learn more about this committee contact Sandy Riese at 262-694-7725.


Landscape Committee

The Landscape Committee assists in keeping the flowers, bushes, and the grounds around the parish green and pretty. The volunteers assist in growing flowers, weeding, trimming bushes, and watering flowers without a watering system. If you would be interested in lending a hand, please contact Deacon Ron Lesjak at or 694-9143.


Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council develops our Catholic identity, promotes evangelization, and fosters stewardship. It strives to build a community of disciples who recognize their Baptismal calls to lives of holiness, witness, and service. It is the consultative and planning body in matters of parish life.

Members serve a three-year term.The Council meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. Parish members are always invited to attend meetings. Each spring, the parish submits the names of candidates nominated by parishioners (themselves or others). Through prayer and discernment, new members are chosen. Nominees are asked to attend at least one Parish Council meeting and the Archdiocesan orientation prior to discernment in May. Current Parish Council members are listed in the bulletin.


Parish Life and Hospitality Committee

The mission of the Parish Life and Hospitality Committee is to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere to all new and established parishioners of St. Mary. This committee plans, promotes and coordinates activities that bring parish members together for mutual support and for the celebration of special parish and life events, as well as encouraging parishioners to recognize their gifts and discern how to share their talents with the greater parish community.


Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee makes recommendations to the Parish Council concerning the adoption of parish personnel policies. The basic functions of this committee are to develop a comprehensive personnel system, including personnel planning on the local level and to monitor its implementation and administration. Actual hiring, supervising, evaluating or terminating of employees is the proper role of the Pastor or persons(s) delegated by him.


Prayer and Worship Committee

The Prayer and Worship Committee is made up of parishioner volunteers and parish staff members whose main focus is the Liturgy at St. Mary. Liturgy might be best described as our Christ centered, Catholic community coming together, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be closer to God through prayerful worship.

St. Mary has identified seven ministries of Liturgy. These include; Altar Servers, Art and Environment, Eucharistic Ministry, Greeter Ministry, Lectors, Music Ministry, and Usher Ministry.

Each ministry has a coordinator who attends Prayer and Worship meetings once each month.The Prayer and Worship Committee is not only responsible for making the Liturgies at St. Mary the most beautiful and prayerful possible, but is also responsible for developing the ministries by identifying and nurturing those parishioners who are called to stewardship in these roles. Contact Steve Hejnal at 262-942-9242 or for further details.


Stewardship Committee

We are all called through our Baptism to become a follower of Christ and to identify, develop and use our God-given gifts of time, talent and financial resources to build the Church. The expression of our commitment to this calling is known by Catholic Christians as the Stewardship Way of Life.

The Stewardship Committee strives to cultivate this Stewardship Way of Life throughout the entire parish and works to encourage individual participation, contribution, and a sense of ownership of our parish mission. Contact Chris Beben at 262-697-4207.