Browsing the February 2020 archive of Deacon Wilson's Wisdom

The Challenge of Evil

Posted by Penny Haney on 2/27/20

As the season of Lent begins, we recognize that there is evil in our world and in our lives. Our Gospel reveals Jesus, hungry and thirsty after days of fasting, overcoming evil at a most vulnerable moment in his earthly life.  He, who was born into our world and ... Read More »

Called to Holiness

Posted by Penny Haney on 2/20/20

The call to holiness echoes through the sacred texts heard to this weekend. In Leviticus we hear God’s call: “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy.” And in the Gospel a similar call is heard: “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Within the ... Read More »

Light the World

Posted by Penny Haney on 2/11/20

    “Let there be light.”  The first words God ever speaks. Let there be light still reflects the bright warmth of our holiday season.  We brighten our churches, our homes, our yards, and our work places as we remind ourselves of the coming of Jesus, “our light.” Our ... Read More »