Browsing Deacon Wilson's Wisdom


Posted by Pauletta Lyons on 4/24/19

        After forty days of Lent and the violence of Good Friday, we rejoice this Easter Sunday.  “Alleluia” is our cry spoken again for the first time in weeks!  We have moved from the sorrow and sadness of Good Friday to the good news of Easter Sunday. ... Read More »


Posted by Pauletta Lyons on 4/16/19

   Holy Week has begun, and Christians the world over listen again to the story of their salvation. This listening is more than an historical                                        remembrance of Jesus’ movements through a period of days that began on a high note of praising and rejoicing, only to end on the ... Read More »

How Blind Are We?

Posted by Pauletta Lyons on 4/02/19

How Blind Are We?

There is definitely an element of fear connected with darkness, whether that darkness is physical or spiritual.  It is comforting to remember however, that there is never   darkness so deep or so powerful that we cannot be liberated by God’s grace.  Helen Keller, in her ... Read More »

How Thirsty Are We?

Posted by Pauletta Lyons on 3/26/19

HOW THIRSTY ARE WE? Water is essential to maintain life.  Everything that lives needs water.  To people living so close to Lake Michigan, water seems like no big deal, but to people living in arid regions of the world, water is a most valuable commodity.  Anyone who has traveled ... Read More »

Come out

Posted by Christine Gabron on 4/06/17

We are all eager to find love, but as a young widow remarked: “Someone should have told me that love plants the seed of grief, and the deeper the love the deeper the grief. Even if we never say it aloud, we come to know that love readies us ... Read More »

True to Self

Posted by Christine Gabron on 4/06/17

          There is a classic and much quoted line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. “This above all: to thine own self be true.” It was good advice for Hamlet, and it is good advice for all who wish to lead others along life’s spiritual journey. Henri Nouwen, theologian and author, a ... Read More »

How blind are we?

Posted by Christine Gabron on 3/23/17

There is definitely an element of fear connected with darkness, whether that darkness is physical or spiritual. It is comforting to remember however, that there is never darkness so deep or so powerful that we cannot be liberated by God’s grace. Helen Keller, in her autobiography, The Story ... Read More »